Mobile Operator Rounds

Mobile Operator Rounds enable manufacturers and processors to achieve reliable, safe, and profitable operations through consistent execution of best practices by field workforce.

AVEVA’s software combined with mobile devices improves operations efficiency, streamlines maintenance management, and increases regulatory compliance visibility.

Benefits of the Mobile Operator Rounds solution include…

  • Enables a culture focused on field operational excellence
  • Helps steward the consistent execution of best practices
  • Facilitates a communication path between stranded assets and cloud resources like predictive analytics and machine learning
  • Supports rapid response to changing business conditions
  • Key success factor equipment reliability
  • Helps assimilate new field workers with training materials delivered to handheld mobile devices
  • Underlies compliance, health, and safety program requirements to facilitate improved regulatory compliance

AVEVA has the leading mobile workforce and decision support system. Its configurable software and ruggedized mobile hardware enable workflow, data collection, and general task management for plant operations, maintenance management, production tracking, and compliance applications.

Learn more on AVEVA’s website.

atr automation aveva

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